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OBI Pharma 2023 Materiality Matrix

Prioritization of Major Themes

Compared to the previous year, in 2023, the major themes of “Ethical Management,” “Board Functions,” and “Legal Compliance” have been deemed necessary disclosures according to the GRI Standards 2021 and are therefore no longer classified as major themes. Additionally, based on survey results, the theme of “Occupational Health and Safety” has been newly added. The adjusted prioritization of major themes for OBI Pharma in 2022 and 2023 is detailed in the following table:

2022 2023 Changes
Product Research and Development Innovation Product Research and Development Innovation
Intellectual Property Protection Clinical Trials and Subsequent Development ↑1
Clinical Trials and Subsequent Development Intellectual Property Protection ↓1
Ethical Management
(Designated as a Mandatory Disclosure Item)
Information Disclosure ↑1
Information Disclosure Economic Performance ↑2
Customer Health and Safety Customer Health and Safety
Economic Performance Occupational Health and Safety Added
Board Functionality
(Designated as a Mandatory Disclosure Item)
Labor-Management Relations ↑2
Regulatory Compliance
(Designated as a Mandatory Disclosure Item)
Training and Education ↑2
Labor-Management Relations
Training and Education