OBI Pharma, driven by the principles of sustainable development, makes the following commitment to society:

  • Promote corporate governance and comply to laws and regulations​
  • Committed to improving patient welfare, prioritizing patient interests in all research and development activities, while ensuring the safety of medication use.
  • Abide by all relevant medical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industry-related standards and clinical ethics during its R&D process​
  • Maximize company value and promote shareholder benefits​
  • Provide fair employee benefits, healthy work environment, and career development​

Fulfilled ESG commitments by fostering partnerships among the government, society, and businesses.

Message from the Management

Summers are becoming increasingly hotter, with 2023 marking the hottest year on record. The global average temperature has risen by 1.45°C compared to pre-industrial levels (1850-1900), nearing the 1.5°C target set by the Paris Agreement. In other words, the carbon reduction goals outlined by this global initiative, signed by over 130 countries, are facing a harsh reality.
Along with the challenges brought by extreme weather, species extinction is occurring at 100 to 1,000 times the natural rate. This threatens human access to food, clean water, and essential raw materials provided by various species. Some studies even predict that if this continues, Taiwan could lose its winters entirely by 2060.

Business leaders must recognize that profitability is no longer the sole objective; they must integrate financial performance with sustainability and embrace corporate citizenship. ESG has become a global imperative, particularly with the urgent goals of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and mitigating climate change. The government has passed the Climate Change Response Act, clearly defining the responsibilities and strategies for each ministry and agency. Additionally, the “Sustainable Development Roadmap for Listed Companies” has been introduced, mandating corporate disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon audits, and reduction measures—challenges that businesses can no longer avoid.

As a pioneering pharmaceutical company, OBI Pharma is committed not only to developing first-in-class and best-in-class novel drugs, but also to offering diverse therapeutic options aimed at eliminating the threat of cancer and opening a new chapter in healthcare. In 2023, OBI Pharma Taiwan made significant strides toward these goals. Aspiring to be more than just Taiwan’s premier innovative biotech firm, the company is determined to lead globally in cancer immunotherapy while continuously advancing across all ESG dimensions. By embedding sustainability at the core of its operations, OBI Pharma strives to contribute to a sustainable future for Taiwan, rooted in local engagement, social participation, robust governance, and a commitment to public welfare.

In 2023, OBI Pharma Taiwan made the following efforts:

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Conducted its first carbon audit
Promoted green circular practices

In 2022, OBI Pharma Taiwan responded to the “1.5°C Climate Action Declaration” advocated by Wu Dong-liang, Chairman of the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, by becoming an early signatory and committing to proactive and effective carbon reduction measures, fulfilling its responsibility as a global citizen. This initiative aligns with SDG 13—Climate Action, incorporating the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to systematically identify and analyze climate-related risks, opportunities, and their impacts on operations and finances, and to develop greenhouse gas inventory and reduction management strategies.

In August 2023, the company established a “Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Procedure” in accordance with ISO/CNS14064-1:2018 standards and the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. Utilizing the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, the company effectively controls greenhouse gas emissions and implements reduction plans to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases on global warming and climate change. In September, the 2022 greenhouse gas inventory was conducted and certified by a third party, using the results as a basis for future TCFD metrics tracking and goal setting.

Additionally, the company’s headquarters and laboratory relocated to the Taipei Biotech Park in 2023. The new building features smart energy-saving design and uses energy-efficient, water-saving certified products to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. The building also practices a 1.5-hour daily lunch break with complete lighting shutdown to balance work and leisure while promoting energy conservation. Furthermore, the company enforces green procurement and supply chain management, implements green operational policies, and promotes paperless documentation. It also supports Taipei City’s “No Single-Use Beverage Cups” initiative, minimizing the use of paper cups and plastic bags, thereby contributing to environmental sustainability through everyday actions.



Supported patient advocacy groups
Actively participated in blood donation and charitable activities

In March 2023, the company established a “Human Rights Policy,” emphasizing the eradication of forced labor and all forms of discrimination, and the protection of workers’ rights, with a commitment to fostering a diverse and equitable workplace.
In drug development, driven by patient welfare, the company has long supported patient advocacy groups. Each year during “International Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” volunteers, led by the CEO, participate in a charity fair to serve patients and assist in creating a symbolic “double pink ribbon” formation with nearly 500 patients, demonstrating support for breast cancer prevention efforts. Additionally, OBI Pharma organizes quarterly blood donation drives in collaboration with CITY LINK and other businesses in the same office building, reflecting the company’s dedication to social responsibility. Furthermore, OBI Pharma is actively involved in the development of Taiwan’s biotech industry, participating enthusiastically in policy recommendations, academic research, and talent cultivation initiatives, including campus outreach, scientific lectures, and industry-academia collaborations to nurture the next generation of professionals.


Emphasized robust risk management
Fostered a healthy, active, and well-being-oriented workplace

OBI Pharma’s corporate governance structure is built on integrity, emphasizing transparency, openness, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Additionally, the company upholds medical and industry ethics, implementing stringent internal controls and conducting regular audits. In 2023, OBI Pharma established a “Risk Management Policy and Procedures,” set up a risk assessment mechanism, developed effective response strategies, and enhanced post-incident evaluations to manage and mitigate risks effectively.

The company’s external information disclosure focuses on timeliness, accuracy, and transparency, with a commitment to social communication to build consensus and mutually beneficial relationships among investors, society, and the company. OBI Pharma consistently aims to create a happy workplace, fostering harmonious labor relations, encouraging employee development, and setting educational and training standards to support personal growth alongside corporate objectives. The company also promotes health and fitness among employees and has been recognized by the Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration as a “Sports Enterprise.”

ESG Report 2023

Learn how we created value in 2023 and worked to pursue our purpose of enabling a healthier world.​

Contact us for any suggestion on the sustainable development​