
The 2nd World ADC Linker & Conjugation Summit – OBI Pharma Presents Results on Patented Enzyme - EndoSymeOBI® - for ADCs

OBI Pharma (4174.TWO) presented the results of its patented enzyme, EndoSz, used to power the exclusive glycan-based ADC platform GlycOBI®, at the 2nd World ADC Linker & Conjugation Summit held in Boston, Massachusetts August 20-22, 2024. EndoSz is an enzyme derived from Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus Sz105, also known as endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase. OBI Pharma has obtained a patent for EndoSz-D234M (Trademark EndoSymeOBI®), which is a mutated form of the parent EndoSz. This presentation attracted attention and interest from academic researchers and pharmaceutical professionals worldwide.

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