Monthly Revenue

 Thousands of NTD


2024 2023 MoM Change (%) YoY Change (%)
Jun 8,050 7,959 20.44 1.14
Jan to Jun 28,151 11,654 40.05 141.56
May 6,684 1,800 56.10 271.33
Jan to May 20,101 3,695 49.82 444.01
Apr 4,282 109 32.61 3,828.44
Jan to Apr 13,417 1,895 46.87 608.02
Mar 3,229 1,658 -27.88 94.75
Jan to Mar 9,135 1,786 54.67 411.48
Feb 4,477 72 213.30 6,118.06
Jan to Feb  5,906 128 313.30 4,514.06
Jan 1,429 56 -79.93 2,451.79
Jan to Jan 1,429 56 2,451.79

 Thousands of NTD


2023 2022 MoM Change (%) YoY Change (%)
Dec 7,119 508 9.00 1,301.38
Jan to Dec 41,549 4,711 20.68 781.96
Nov 6,531 36.95 100.00
Jan to Nov 34,430 4,205 23.41 718.79
Oct 4,769 -11.09 100.00
Jan to Oct 27,899 4,205 20.62 563.47
Sep 5,364 502 80.61 968.53
Jan to Sep 23,130 4,205 30.19 450.06
Aug 2,970 49 -5.47 5,961.22
Jan to Aug 17,766 3,703 20.07 379.77
Jul 3,142 525 -60.52 498.48
Jan to Jul 14,796 3,654 26.96 304.93
Jun 7,959  504  342.17 1,479.17
Jan to Jun 11,654 3,129  215.40 272.45
May 1,800 1,280 1,551.38 40.63
Jan to May 3,695 2,625 94.99 40.76
Apr 109 84 -93.43 29.76
Jan to Apr 1,895 1,345 6.10 40.89
Mar 1,658 555 2,202.78 198.74
Jan to Mar 1,786 1,261 1,295.31 41.63
Feb 72 706 28.57 -89.80
Jan to Feb 128 706 128.57 -81.87
Jan 56 0 -88.98 100
Jan to Jan 56 0 100

Thousands of NTD

Consolidated 2022 2021 MoM Change (%) YoY Change (%)
Dec 508 710 100 -28.45
Jan to Dec 4,713 18,772 12.08 -74.89
Nov 0 110 0 -100
Jan to Nov 4,205 18,062 0 -76.72
Oct 0 1,690 (100.00) (100.00)
Jan to Oct 4,205 17,952 0.00 (76.58)
Sep 502 439 924.49 14.35
Jan to Sep 4,205 16,262 13.56 (74.14)
Aug 49 686 (90.67) (90.86)
Jan to Aug 3,703 15,823 1.34 (76.60)
Jul 525 1,661 4.17 (68.39)
Jan to Jul 3,654 15,137 16.78 (75.86)
Jun 504 814 (60.63) (38.08)
Jan to Jun 3,129 13,476 19.20 (76.78)


1,280 7,672 1,423.81 (83.32)
Jan to May 2,625 12,662 95.17 (79.27)
Apr 84 530 (84.86) (84.15)
Jan to Apr 1,345 4,990 6.66 (73.05)


555 318 (21.39) 74.53
Jan to Mar 1,261 4,460 78.61 (71.73)
Feb 706 13 100.00 5,330.77
Jan to Feb 706 4,142 100.00 (82.96)
Jan 0 4,129 (100.00)
Jan to Jan 0 4,129 (100.00)