Announcement on behalf of AP Biosciences of not Distributing Dividends of 2022

Announcement on behalf of AP Biosciences that the BOD resolved to convene the 2023 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting

The first-in-class novel prodrug, OBI-3424, has been granted by TFDA to proceed to Phase II clinical trial

OBI filed application for Phase II human clinical trial of first-in-class novel prodrug, OBI-3424, to TFDA

Announcement on behalf of AP Biosciences that application for Phase I human clinical trial of Bispecific Antibody, AP505, has been granted by US FDA

Announcement of BOD’s resolution to lift the non-competition restrictions for new CEO

Announcement of change of CEO

Announcement of change of the spokesperson

Announcement of change of Chairman of the Board

Announcement of death of Chairman of the Board (Supplementary Statement on the circumstances of his deputy)