
Announcement of 4th Audit Committee Members

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2022/06/27 2.Name of the functional committees:Audit Committee 3.Name of the previous position holder: (1)Jerry Fong (2)Taychang Wang (3)Howard Lee 4.Resume of the previous position holder: (1)Jerry Fong / Dean of the Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation and Intellectual Property Management, National ChengChi University (2)Taychang Wang / Accounting Professor, National Taiwan […]

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2022/06/27
2.Name of the functional committees:Audit Committee
3.Name of the previous position holder:
(1)Jerry Fong
(2)Taychang Wang
(3)Howard Lee
4.Resume of the previous position holder:
(1)Jerry Fong / Dean of the Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation and Intellectual Property Management, National ChengChi University
(2)Taychang Wang / Accounting Professor, National Taiwan University
(3)Howard Lee / Chairman of the Board, TAHO Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
5.Name of the new position holder:
(1)Howard Lee
(2)Ming-Chin Chen
(3)Chin-Ting Chiu
6.Resume of the new position holder:
(1)Howard Lee / Chairman of the Board, TAHO Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
(2)Ming-Chin Chen / Accounting Professor, National Chengchi University
(3)Chin-Ting Chiu / Member of Mediation Committee, Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”, “term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):Term expired.
8.Reason for the change:In compliance with the full re-election of directors, newly elected independent directors will serve as members of 4th Audit Committee.
9.Original term (from __________ to __________):2019/06/27 to 2022/06/26
10.Effective date of the new member:2022/06/27
11.Any other matters that need to be specified:None